Prime Gaming: Amazon is giving away three Lord of the Rings games

Amazon Prime Gaming is now offering three Lord of the Rings games for free to kick off the second season of “The Rings of Power”. Prime members can download the titles until the end of September or stream them via Luna Cloud and keep two of them permanently. Amazon Games
Free Middle-earth adventures for Prime members
To mark the launch of the second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power on August 29, 2024, Prime members can currently receive three games from the fantasy universe for free. Amazon Prime Gaming’s offering includes “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition,” “LEGO The Lord of the Rings,” and “Middle-earth: Shadow of War.”
The free titles cover various genres. “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” takes place between the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Players take on the role of Talion, a Gondor ranger resurrected from the dead, and explore the origins of the Rings of Power. The sequel, “Shadow of War,” continues the story and expands the gameplay to include battles and the building of an orc army.
“LEGO The Lord of the Rings” is known to offer an easier gaming experience. It tells the story of Frodo and the One Ring in the typical LEGO look – including the characteristic humor of the LEGO games.
Limited time offer
According to Amazon, the offer is only available until September 30, 2024. “Shadow of Mordor” and “LEGO The Lord of the Rings” are provided as GOG codes and can be kept permanently. “Shadow of War” can only be played via the Amazon Luna cloud gaming service. As mentioned at the beginning, the campaign serves as preparation for the second season of The Rings of Power. The series, which is set before the events of The Hobbit, will bring some innovations. Fans can look forward to a changed Sauron and the first appearance of Tom Bombadil, among other things.
More free games at Prime Gaming
Amazon Prime Gaming provides its subscribers with free games every month. The latest Lord of the Rings titles are available in addition to the regular August offers. Games currently available for free include Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness and The Last Revelation, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition. What do you think about Amazon’s free promotion? Will you get the games and which title are you most interested in?