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Proton Drive is a substitute for Dropbox

Proton is the company that backs Proton VPN and Proton Mail. Earlier this year in May, Proton VPN and Proton Mail were united. This company is particularly known for its security-centric services. In addition to this, Proton announced the Proton Drive in September. Proton Drive is a cloud storage service. It was initially introduced with a web interface. But now the service has been made available via an app similar to other cloud services.

Just like the other services by Proton, the newly introduced service is proudly sponsored. It has been declared as a substitute for Dropbox and Google Drive. The app is available on Android as well as iOS. The users can access their files in conjunction with encrypted cloud storage. Proton founder and CEO Andy Yen mentioned during the app launch that previously users have limited options when it comes to secure personal cloud storage. Though, there are several apps used for storing the files. But they lack privacy since data leaks from smartphones are a common problem. Where the Proton Drive offers end-to-end encryption on file storage to iOS as well as Android users. It is well aligned with the mission of Proton to make sure that privacy tools are free and easily accessible.

The app of Proton is freely available. It offers security features like encryption for file metadata. This prevents the detection of file types by hackers. In addition to this, users can produce temporary passwords. The temporary passwords enable content viewing for a predefined time limit. This is extremely beneficial when sharing files with non-proton users.

The free access offers 1GB of cloud storage. It can be upgraded to 200GB of storage for $4/month. Whereas the bundle subscription comprises other Proton services like calendar, VPN, and Mail. It offers 500GB of storage at the rate of $10 per month. Since Proton is contained in Switzerland. The strong Swiss privacy laws assist in keeping the government’s eyes off your data.