PTA Launches Urdu Mobile-Friendly Version of its Website

PTA has launched a new Urdu Version of its website which is mobile friendly. The website will have exactly same content as of English Website, the only difference will be that it will be converted into the Urdu language. The layout and design will remain same. The goal of this website is to target those people who are comfortable is reading content in the Urdu language. It provides content accessibility in our own national language. Urdu ccTLD (پی-ٹی-اے.حکومت.پاکستان) is registered by PTA to facilitate the general public.
There has been reshaping of statistical data of telecom indicators in the new website. A user-friendly, easier and simpler layout is introduced. This is done so that more people can access information and find it easier.
Moreover, web accessibility standards for disabled individuals is introduced on the website. This is to ensure that special people can also use this website without any hindrances.
An interactive toolbar is launched for people with disabilities that has features such as text re-sizing, text-to-speech plug-in, magnifier and color contrast. All this is to make the process whole lot easier especially for special people in Pakistan.
In this whole procedure, PTA was given aid and help by Special Talent Exchange Program (STEP) and web accessibility experts. PTA believes that when disabled people will have easier access to information, they will gain further knowledge and their productivity and efficiency will increase. Thus it will be economically and socially beneficial for Pakistan.
So one, Urdu website will automatically allow more people to access information. Two incorporating tools for special people would be doubly beneficial for the whole society.
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