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Quibi is creating a series based on Snap’s founder


Quibi, an up and coming mobile-first video streaming administration, will make an arrangement dependent on Snap’s founding. Film official Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman – HP Enterprise’s previous CEO and current Quibi boss – have announced their arrangements for Quibi and SXSW, and they incorporate making both scripted and unscripted originals accessible for spilling.

The pair grabbed a screenplay entitled Frat Boy Genius, which captured the best spot at the 2018 Black List, for the stage. As you can figure from that title, it recounts a semi-fictionalized story of Snap’s beginnings that demonstrates Spiegel in a truly unflattering light.

As indicated by The Hollywood Reporter, the content delineates Spiegel as a hard partier in his school days who elbowed out one of the application’s original developers, supplanting her with a male partner. One piece of the content even demonstrates the Snap head trading instant messages with Taylor Swift. “Hamptons?” the artist asked in the screenplay, to which Spiegel answered: “Want to be straight with you, I don’t have time for a relationship rn.” He also told Swift to “[f]eel free to write a song,” and that didn’t sit well with the artist who responded with a crisp “Fuck you, Evan.”

“We want to tell a story that’s as compelling and interesting about Snapchat and Evan as The Social Network was for Facebook,” Katzenberg said at SXSW. When the moderator during his panel said Snap HQ is feeling alarmed about the project, Katzenberg said that Spiegel “should be flattered” instead.

You can see it here.

The film executive has additionally uncovered that they’re intending to dispatch Quibi in April 2020 and that they’re expecting to distribute more than 100 bits of content consistently. That doesn’t really mean the stage will keep running upwards of 100 titles at the same time, however, since it will break long-frame content into shorter pieces for less demanding utilization on a smaller screen.

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Image via Money Journals