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Researchers Made a Tooth-Mounted Sensor for Tracking Food

A tooth-mounted sensor has been created recently by the researchers that could track everything that a person eats and what nutrient it contains.

The wearable device was made by the researchers from Tufts University. The tooth-mounted sensor is positioned on a person’s tooth and tracks every bite that the person intakes and what the bite contains. The sensor is set up in a way to wirelessly transmit data relating glucose, alcohol and salt to a mobile device.

The tooth sensor is a two square millimetre device that adheres on to the surface of the tooth. When the central “bioresponsive” layer of the sensor changes upon encountering different chemicals like ethanol or salt, the electrical properties shift and transmits a differing spectrum of radio waves with altering intensity.

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According to a press release, the researchers hold the opinion that this device could be modified to monitor more things which includes a wide range of nutrients, physiological states and chemicals.

As per the reports of Futurism, the device is cheap, so it could assist the researchers in locating nutrients in the body in an affordable way. The device could also be beneficial for the ones who want to keep a check on their diet or the ones who cannot afford to purchase expensive fitness trackers.

However, it is suggested that device like this could also have negative implications. Mobile calorie counting and exercise-tracking apps make people get so much obsessed with their meal intake that they reduce it down to macronutrients, this could worsen the eating orders and OCD. The sensor for sure would not be giving any eating disorder but it has the potential to worsen the situation in people already suffering from these disorders.

The research would soon be published in the Journal of Advanced Materials, according to the reports of Science Daily.

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