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Samsung vs TSMC: the global foundry market share as of Q3 2022

As per the recent research report by TrendForce, the disparity between Samsung Electronics and TSMC has grown further regarding the global foundry market as of Q3 2022. TrendForce is a market research firm. It produces reports based on recent data. It has put forward some recent information about the foundry market and the growing competition between Samsung Electronics and TSMC.

According to TrendForce, Samsung snatched a share of 15.5% share in the global foundry market in Q3 2022. In comparison, this share is quite less than what Samsung grabbed in Q4 2021. It was reported to be around an 18.3% market share in Q4 2021. Later by Q1 2022, it dropped to around 16.3%. where a slight increase of 16.5% was observed in Q2 2022. As of now, the share has declined below 16%. It reached 15.5% in Q3 2022. The sales of Samsung stayed at $5.584 billion. It is comparatively 0.1% down as of the last quarter.

In addition to this, TSMC the Taiwanese giant’s share in the international market soared from 52.1% in Q4 2021 to 56.1% in Q3 2022. Furthermore, the share by TSMC grew by 2.7% compared to Q2 2022. Additionally, an 11.1% increment in sales was also observed for TSMC. It rose from $18.145 billion in Q2 2022 to around $20.163 billion in Q3 2022.

As per this information, the disparity between Samsung and TSMC has grown to around 40.6% in Q3 2022. Where it was around 33.8% in Q4 2021. Given these facts and figures, BusinessKorea mentions that this gap is because of the recent extension of advanced processes by Samsung.

Additionally, the report by TrendForce concluded its report by indicating that several foundry companies are affected. This is due to a decline in customer orders. On the other hand, TSMC was in a safe zone. Since it catered to a huge influx owing to the high demand for new iPhones. TSMC is now looking forward to launching a new production plant in Arizona, USA. Furthermore, it has also mentioned that it will expand its investment from $12 billion to $40 billion.

On the other hand, Samsung is also collaborating with an American firm to enhance the yield of semiconductor manufacturing. Previously, the South Korean firm faced issues with its 4nm and 5nm process nodes. These issues were regarding the yield. It is now working to address these issues by joining hands with US-based firm Silicon Frontline Technology. In addition to this, Samsung will be setting up new plants in Europe. Thus, farming out more chips and generating a risk-free semiconductor distribution chain.