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Security Alert: WhatsApp Is Hacked And Installs Spyware On Your Device


WhatsApp is reaching out to its users and encouraging them to update their WhatsApp in order to avoid any damages it may cause.

The WhatsApp is reportedly hacked by the bad actors who intend to install spy software on the devices remotely. The hackers have found and exploited the major vulnerability in the system. Facebook the owner of WhatsApp said that the attacked was targeted at the selected number of users.

The company first discovered the attack earlier this month, however, now the company is asking users to update their apps in their devices.

The hackers are able to install spy software on the user’s device just by ringing it even if the call is not picked up by the user the software is installed. It seems a remote detonator which blasts the bomb from a distance just by ringing it.

Israel is behind the attack

According to the FT, NSO Group an Israeli cybersecurity and intelligence company has developed the software. The group also has software developed for governments named “Pegasus” the software collects data from a target device. NSO Group has also sold the software to various governments across the world.

The Amnesty International Human Rights Group wants the company to stop operating, it calls upon the authorities to ban the company and put it out of the business, however, the company in a statement said, “NSO is not involved in operating and targeting using its technology, it is solely operated by the intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies.”

WhatsApp has released an update on Monday which must be installed by the users in order to remain secure from the threat; users that are not updating their WhatsApp will jeopardize their device’s security.

If you have not received WhatsApp update, you may look for updates manually.