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Six4Three brings a legal lawsuit against Facebook over data use

Facebook is having yet another legal battle — cause — it gathered users personal information and sold it to the most noteworthy bidder.

A claim filled in a California court by an organization called Six4Three, affirms that Facebook utilized different strategies to gather users personal data with the goal that it could utilize this information for business reasons like advertisement focusing for the election campaign.

The case which depends on extensive emails and messages between Facebook officials and even Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg himself, uncovers that Zuckerburg himself was straightforwardly associated with the information harvesting. Facebook has been in boiling water for the recent months on how it dealt with user information and the privacy concerns in regards to the current Cambridge Analytica scandal where Facebook gave over information of more than 87 million Facebook records to this data analytical firm.

In any case, this new claim documented by Six4Three, a startup which is currently dysfunctional, has been recorded over a dead application Pikinis.

Facebook expelled the application after it rolled out improvements in its policy in 2015 that no third party developers will have the capacity to get to the users friend information. In light of the claim, a Facebook representative said;

“When we changed our policy in 2015, we gave all third-party developers ample notice of material platform changes that could have impacted their applications. but Six4Three chose not to work with us. The allegations that they have outlined are meritless and designed to detract from their complaint. We have made it clear that we will fight this lawsuit and protect users’ data.”

Thus Facebook’s representative has made it clear that Facebook doesn’t log user’s call and text history data without their consent and that the Six4Three’s allegation is baseless. But that’s something which court will decide, as the case will proceed in coming days.

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Image via thenypost