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Sony Released Beta Program For PS5 System Software

Sony PS5 beta

The PlayStation 5 was released a good six months ago and the Sony console has already received its first system updates. But the manufacturer would like to involve its users more closely in this aspect in the future and has started a beta program.

The firmware updates so far primarily concerned the stability and error corrections as well as some initial features, which is also typical for the initial phase of a console. But Hideaki Nishino, Senior Vice President, Platform Planning & Management, has now announced in a blog post that the first major update is imminent.

“There will be another major system update with lots of new features later this year and we would like you to help us test it,” writes Nishino. It is the first beta program for the PS5 system software, according to Sony. Players aged 18 and over can register in the USA, Canada, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, and France.

The First beta program for the PS5

Sony speaks of “selected users”, which means that not everyone who signs up actually gets a chance. All those who are allowed to participate will later receive an email with instructions on how to download the beta version of the next system software. Anyone who registers once for this beta phase remains in the candidate pool, so you don’t have to register a second time if you are still interested in participating.

Sony distributed the first and last major update in April. This brought expanded USB storage, intergenerational share play, an improved game base, and other user interface improvements, and some social media features. It is currently not known which features the update announced for the beta test will bring with it, but Sony intends to submit this in the coming weeks.