Special Pokémon Bundle Offer By Nintendo

If you have already ordered for Pokémon Ultra Sun or Fire Emblem, cancel it before it’s too late. The reason for it is that Nintendo has just come up with a special offer of FE Warriors edition for the Switch and a Veteran Trainer’s dual pack which has both recent Pokémon games. Along with it customers will have a duplicate of the game for Nintendo’s hybrid console, the music of the game in three CDs and a poster on both sides plus character art cards. So the whole package will save $80 or you will have to give just $20 more than the game itself.
Read also: Partnership between Pokemon Go & Sprint
On the other hand, if you want to wait for the special edition collectibles the game will be released on October 20th in North America as Nintendo has announced.
Now we are not sure if the 3DS version of FE Warriors will be released on the same date and whether it will be part of special edition or not, so 3D game lovers can wait for the dual pack of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The bundle offer will have both games, character art cards 16 along with 200 Poke balls. You will have the whole package in just $80. It is the same amount you would have to pay if you are buying the games separately.
The bundle offer will be available on October 20th, the same day the games will be released in North America.
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