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Best Tactics to Get More Comments on Your Blog

Comments on Your Blog

Being a blogger, it really feels bad when you get no comments on your blog even after putting endless hours of hard work. A silent blog makes you feel that you haven’t done a good job, left something important, or your blog isn’t worth reading. Comments on your blog, whether positive or negative, encourage you and bring improvements in your skills. It is a fact that about 2 million blog posts are publishing every day and in such a great competition it’s very difficult to get the readers’ response. The article will discuss some wonderful tactics for getting comments on your blogs that will also help you in improving your search traffic.

Reasons of Not Getting Comments on Your Blog

Comments on the blog indicate that your blog is interesting and people have read it. In the vast crowd of publishers, getting a response is itself a great success. However, huge competition isn’t the only reason of not getting comments and there are many other factors which you should consider.

  • A bad comment system prevents readers from commenting even when they want to do it. Use default WordPress commenting system to eliminate this issue
  • A boring and uninteresting post fails to get a comment
  • Controversial and compelling posts get maximum comments
  • Sign up, long procedures, and captcha code are the actual barriers for commenting
  • Poor design side and bombardment of ads lessen the reader’s attention

Tactics to Get More Comments on Your Blog

The websites that do blogging gets 55% more traffic and better ROI. Engaging content, regular readers, and more traffic are the ingredients of a successful blog that garners comments and genuine feedback. Here are some wondrous tactics that will take your blogging to the next level and convince the readers to leave a comment.

Reduce Barriers to Commenting

Many readers don’t comment on the blog as they have to follow a hectic procedure like signup and registration. People consider it time-consuming and read the post without commenting. Minimize the hindering factors to get more comments and make the commenting procedure simple. The reader gets frustrated when he/she has to wait for the captcha approval or directed to use avatar.  You will observe a remarkable change in the number of comments after removing hurdles and using the default WordPress commenting system.

Comments on Your Blog

Bridge the Communication Gaps

Communication barriers are another reason of lesser comments. A blogger should be communicating whether it comes to a blog post or replying to a comment. Prompt replies show your concerns to your blog and respect for your readers. Writing a blog in an interesting manner is an excellent way to eliminate communication barriers. Conversational writing style is encouraged by the renowned bloggers. Avoid writing long paragraphs as they distract the reader’s attention. Research has proven that the posts having length 1500-2000 get high ranking as they are considered as more informative. The user will definitely leave a comment on the post when he/ she will find it useful.

Ask Questions

Open-ended questions let readers express their thoughts and opinion. On the other hand, close-ended questions confined the readers’ thoughts and bound them to answer in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Asking a question in conclusion leaves a deep impact and convinces a reader to give his/her opinion. Asking a question by yourself gives an idea to the user as many readers don’t know what to comment and how to appreciate your efforts. Question at the end of the post motivates the reader to answer your question.

Comments on Your Blog

Acknowledge Your Commentators 

Acknowledge your commentators and be grateful to their appreciations and don’t feel bad about negative comments. Politely respond to criticism and avoid using harsh language. You should logically approach to such situations as an immature behavior can result in losing your potential readers. It’s better to respond to every comment as it gives you organic and long-tail traffic. Rewarding your top commentator is an effective technique to attract a large audience. For a fair commenting competition, you can use a plugin like CommentLuv plugin that monitors the commentators and automatically places a link at the end of their comments to implicate them your readers.

Make Promising Titles  

Promising titles successfully grab the attention of readers. A title like ‘5 Unknown Benefits of SEO’ create curiosity in the reader’s mind and he reads the posts as it promises him to give an interesting information. Definitely, he will appreciate you in the comment if he/ she will find something interesting and unique. However, it’s necessary to fulfill your promise in the post and state 5 unknown benefits of SEO. Otherwise, a fake promise will affect your credibility and result in the lack of reader interest. Chris Ducker is the best example of creating promising blog titles.

Comments on Your Blog

Write Controversial Posts

Controversy is the key to fame. People take much interest in controversial topics while they also trigger fierce discussions. Everyone likes to give his opinion in the favor or against the points mentioned in the blog. Always do deep researches on controversial topics, collect authentic facts and figures, and keep the references to defend your points. Make sure that controversial topics aren’t based on just imaginations as it affects your reputation. ‘Are Pakistani startups making their own silicon valley’ and ‘Google Ranking Factors’ are some examples of controversial topics.

Comment On Others Blogs

Comment on others blogs. Expressing your views on the relevant posts along your blog link will help them to know about your views and research while it will positively affect your traffic as well. Instead of writing ‘Good Job’ and ‘Well Written Post’, give a comprehensive comment and mention the flaws in the content.

Comments on Your Blog

Provide more information if you have any or appreciate the unique points mentioned in the blog. In such a way, people will feel your presence and read your blogs by considering your comments valuable.  More readers mean more competition, increased traffic, and improved work quality.

Must Read: 5 Important Business Blogging Statistics You Should Know
Image Via: The Blog Services/

4 thoughts on “Best Tactics to Get More Comments on Your Blog

  1. You can choose a topic according to your interests, but if that interest does not have many people interested in it, surely no one will read it even if you try to promote the blog.

  2. You can choose a topic based on your interests, but even if you work to market the blog, no one will read it if there aren’t many people who share your interests.

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