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Telegram Adds New Feature That Imports Chat History From Other Apps


It was natural after the new WhatsApp privacy policy sparked controversy, some users around the globe have been looking for alternatives to Facebook’s apps. Telegram, which has become one of the most popular messaging platforms, is now developing a new tool that allows users to import chat history from WhatsApp and other applications.

New Chat Import Feature

This new feature was released today in the iOS App Store as part of the 7.4 version of the app. According to the original version of the update 7.4, users will be able to import chat history from WhatsApp, Line, KakaoTalk and other unspecified but similar apps.

Telegram spokesperson later told RS News that the feature is also available on Android. According to the official blog post, On Android, open a WhatsApp chat, tap ⋮ > More > Export Chat, then choose Telegram in the Share menu: Messages will be imported into the current day but will also include their original timestamps. All members of the chat on Telegram will see the messages.

Taking WhatsApp as an example, it is not difficult to migrate conversations from one application to another. After entering WhatsApp, just enter the “More” menu in the chat, and then select the “Export chat” option. WhatsApp will generate a ZIP file containing the entire conversation, which can be exported to Telegram via iOS Share Sheet.

Read This: WhatsApp Provides Clarification For New Privacy Policy

Then select the import option in Telegram, and you will be asked which contact or group the user wants to associate with the chat, and then the information of the party and the other party will be synchronized there, and all imported messages will have the label prompt in the picture.

Although in the latest version of the Telegram application available on the App Store, some users can still import chat history from other applications, but Telegram has not confirmed whether the feature is really effective for all users.

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Since many users are afraid that they will lose their conversations by migrating to other messaging apps, this tool may help Telegram become more popular. You can download Telegram for free on the App Store.