Telegram finally gets update approval from Apple

It’s been two or three months since Russia restricted well known encrypted messaging application Telegram the nation over. And keeping in mind that you may surmise that such a boycott would just influence Telegram clients in the Kremlin-run country, that hasn’t been the situation. Or maybe, as far back as the vast boycott, Apple has purportedly blocked Telegram from making updates to its administrations. That is, as of not long ago. Evidently, Apple has at last given in and permitted the application to push through updates that make it agreeable with the new GDPR security laws.
On Friday, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov tweeted to both Apple and its CEO Tim Cook, thanking both Twitter handles “for letting us deliver the latest version of @telegram to millions of users, despite the recent setbacks.”
These incidents initially started in mid-April with the Russian restriction on the application. The administration noticed that the application persistently declined to give the Kremlin access to encryption keys that would allow the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB) access to Telegram’s user information. When this boycott was actualized, it implied that American tech organizations (counting Apple) needed to pull the application from their application stores. Truth be told, Russia obviously sent a letter to Apple only a couple of days back requesting that the organization expel Telegram from its offerings within the month, or face legitimate consequences.
Be that as it may, evidently, Apple has been giving Telegram grief since before the boycott was instituted.
“Apple has been preventing Telegram from updating its iOS apps globally ever since the Russian authorities ordered Apple to remove Telegram from the App Store,” Durov noted in a public Telegram message yesterday. “While Russia makes up only 7 percent of Telegram’s user base, Apple is restricting updates for all Telegram users around the world since mid-April.”
It appears that this message had its coveted impact, as Apple has now clearly permitted the main iOS Telegram update in months.
Obviously, this doesn’t imply that Telegram’s misfortunes are finished. The organization is as yet involved in a fight in court with the Russian experts, and there’s no telling when Russian users will have the capacity to get to the application once more.
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Image via theverge
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