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Tesla Plans To Tripple The Supercharger Network By 2023

Tesla Supercharger

Tesla plans to triple the Supercharger network in the next two years. This emerges from an announcement made by Tesla manager Drew Baglino as part of the announcement of the company’s quarterly figures.

At the start of electric car sales, the Supercharger network and Tesla’s free lifelong charging offer were the important factors in the company’s success. With its own charging points, Tesla took away the fear of potential buyers of not finding a charging option on the way and is now making good money with the superchargers. For a few years now, “Free Supercharging” no longer exists with new vehicles, which means that the business area has changed quite a bit.

Long waiting times at overloaded Supercharger locations

Now, when Tesla’s Q3 financial figures were announced, investors wanted to know what the company’s plans for the Supercharger network are, Teslarati reported. The background to the question is that complaints about long waiting times at overloaded Supercharger locations have not just started yesterday, and not only in the USA.

Improve service on the superchargers?

In addition, plans have become known – although not yet officially confirmed – that Tesla will also open the Supercharger network in Europe for electric vehicles from other manufacturers. On the one hand, this promises a further source of income, but on the other hand, it also exacerbates the problem with waiting times. An investor, therefore, wanted to find out from Tesla how they plan to improve waiting times and service at the Supercharger stations in the future.

Tesla manager Drew Baglino (Senior Vice President “Powertrain and Energy Engineering”) answered the question. It looks like there are already very concrete plans for the next few months with ambitious goals: “We are implementing accelerated expansion plans worldwide. The network has doubled in the last 18 months and we plan to triple it in the next two years”, said Baglino.