The Communities feature of WhatsApp brings related group chats under one umbrella

Earlier this year Mark Zuckerberg announced the Communities features for WhatsApp. New features are continuously added to WhatsApp. One of them includes the design specifically focused on bringing the related group chats altogether. The main idea behind this feature is to bring and combine the groups provided with a structure that suits them best. Similar features for Instagram and Facebook are in the pipeline.
In the coming months, the Communities feature will be accessible to all audiences. Smaller group chats within communities will allow the users to discuss important things. Furthermore, it will be easier to switch between the communities. Additionally, some new powerful tools will be introduced particularly for admins. These include broadcasting the announcements to all group members as well as the freedom to choose and add any group.
Further, various groups which represent the neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools could be integrated under the Communities feature. For Android users, the Communities tab is available at the top of the screen while iOS users can access it at the bottom of their screens. You can either start a community from scratch or you can just add existing groups to it. The choice is yours.
Well, the Communities feature for WhatsApp sound more like Facebook Groups. But the major concern with WhatsApp users is encryption. Where Facebook groups may proliferate misinformation. Keeping in mind the encryption factor, it might become somewhat difficult given the communities feature for WhatsApp.
Besides the Communities feature, WhatsApp is working on several other new features. One of the new features includes support for encrypted 32-person video calls. Meta is testing this feature for the past few weeks. Furthermore, the group WhatsApp can now support around 1,024 users.
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