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Tips to Maximize PPC Conversions with Limited Budget

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Track and maximize PPC conversions becomes imperative when you are short on budget. Not all PPC accounts are same. Every business has unique goals and needs which shape its PPC campaign. That’s the reason PPC accounts have different sizes and shapes. You have to come up with a strategy so that you can manage your account in limited budget.

In this post, we have listed few optimization tips and techniques for increasing PPC conversions. If you want to learn about the basics, then read this, Pay-Per-Click for Beginners.

Use the Exact Keyword Phrase

By using this technique, you would gain an efficient control over query matching and keywords. This also reduces the risk of losing volume of the campaign. Using the exact match of your focused keywords would cut the overall cost involved as you are not spending hefty amount on broad and loosely match keywords. You can enhance the reach by deploying modified match variations.

Focus on Limited Campaigns

Engaging in numerous campaigns is a burden on your PPC budget. You will end up by allocating insufficient daily budget to each of them. It is better to focus your attention to 1-3 well-planned campaigns. If necessary, you can use deeper ad groups for better reach. This way your top-performing keywords are not deprived of budget.

Segregate Ad Groups

This technique gives you good control over match types and reach. When you have small budget for PPC campaigns, you don’t want to waste your time on these aspects. You can quickly point out which ad groups are performing badly. With segregated ad groups on the base of match types, it also enables you to create embedded negatives.

Identify Bad Performers

You should put poor performers into separate ad groups or campaigns. Your good performers should remain unaffected. It will save your money; you are spending on poor performers.

Employ Branded Campaigns

Like any other ad campaign, some PPC campaigns work better than others. Higher conversion rates can be gained if you use branded campaigns. The reason behind their success is brand recognition. Even if your brand has not yet established its presence, it is still beneficial to spend money on branded terms. With the passage of time, potential customers will recognize your brand.

Focus on the Most Productive Geo Locations

If you are using backend reports or Google Analytics, you will have access to geographic location of your visitors. This technique works for both small and large PPC campaigns. It not only increases conversion rates but also reduces CPA specifically for small budget accounts. For implementing it, you have to monitor your budget and then reallocate it on the basis of performance. have most visitors to your site. This tip is really handy for local businesses who want to target specific locations.

Use Ad-scheduling Feature

There are helpful metrics available in the interface of AdWords. These are arranged by timing and dates. You might be running a call center during weekdays but the ads show it works whole week. You can utilize ad-scheduling button so that your ads only show during weekdays. This tip will help you in cutting costs.

Get Lower Positions

This technique cut costs by decreasing the number of useless clicks. Many PPC experts suggest that 1-2 and 2-3 positions are best for both non-branded and branded campaigns. You have to adjust your Quality Scores and bids by analyzing your average positions.

Reassess Budgets

This technique works for both small and large PPC campaigns. It not only increases conversion rates but also reduces CPA specifically for small budget accounts. For implementing it, you have to monitor your budget and then reallocate it on the basis of performance.


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