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Top 5 New Features in iOS 12

Apple iOS 12 update features were announced at WWDC 2018. In this article, we will share 5 new features being introduced in Apple iOS 12 update. 

Personalized Animoji called Memoji

Apple iOS 12 update is coming with a new amazing feature called Memoji. Apple will allow you to create personalized characters. You can choose the appearance, skin color, hairstyle, clothes, accessories of your memoji and thus decide what it looks like. With this feature, Apple is giving more control to its users as to how they want their animoji’s to look.

Also read: All info on iOS 11.3

for more detailed review of iOS 12 read this Apple WWDC 2018: 12 new features and their details

Samsung also introduced a similar feature in Galaxy S9 but it seems that Apple has put more effort and work into creating its Memoji.

Group Facetime

Another interesting new feature launched in iOS 12 is Group Facetime. Along with one to one chat, users will now be able to have Group Facetime sessions with 32 people on iOS 12. This new feature is supported in iOS and macOS. If more than one person is on call the video window will get larger when they are talking and get smaller when they are not. Also, users will be able to Animoji and Memoji characters while being on Group Facetime call.

Performance Updates

Apple iOS 12 new feature ‘Performance Updates’ will ensure that your iOS becomes faster. Older iPhones and iPads Apple will launch apps 40% faster with iOS 12 update. System keyboard will get 50% faster while the camera opening will get 70% faster. So overall the device speed will increase with the new update. In short, the optimal performance of your iPhone or iPad will enhance with increased battery life.

Screen Time

In order to provide a balance between device usage and life Apple has launched a new Screen Time feature. This new feature will give users a detailed overview of how much time they are spending on their gadget. Also, they will know how much time they are using on each separate app. App usage will be broken down into categories like games, social media etc. Screen time will be able to track which app is sending you the most notifications. Thus, in short, you will receive a weekly summary of how you are using your device.

You can set time limit to every app. iOS will notify the user when they are running out of the set time. When the time is up a ‘Times Up’ message will be displayed. If you want to use that application further you can just click on ‘More Time’ option.

Siri Shortcuts

A new Shortcuts app is being introduced by Apple that will allow users to run multiple actions that are activated through a single custom SIRI request. SIRI can execute multistep actions through assigned commands.

At WWDC 2018, Apple software VP Craig Federighi demonstrated this and said that if you ask “Hey Siri, I lost my keys,” Siri will talk to the Tile app and sound the dongle on your keychain so that it gets easier for you to find your keys.

The aim of this new feature is to make Siri helpful and proactive.