Top Firefox Plugins to use in 2018

There are some amazing and highly useful plugins available on the Firefox browser. The latest version of the browser, Quantum has added some new, more secure and needed plugins for the customers. Let us look at the Top Firefox Plugins to use in 2018.
Facebook/multi-account containers
This Plugin is designed by Mozilla itself which isolates Facebook site on its own tab. Thus it allows users to use multiple log-in accounts on the same browser. This saves time and is quite convenient.
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Cite This!
This Plug-in allows the users to create three different kinds of citations for any of the research-based web sources. You can then just directly paste the citation into your work. Furthermore, you can manually edit it as well.
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Many times different research journal articles are hidden behind paywalls. Through this plugin, users can find the hidden scholarly articles in a legal way. If the extension is added, a link to the free version of the hidden article will show. It is amazing, as it will save time and money for writers.
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Speed Dial Lite
This feature is a better version of bookmarks. It allows users to put their most used sites in a customized grid. This way the browser window is not crowded with bookmarked sites. All the sites you visit most are stored behind a single button.
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In order to find an unedited or a bigger version of your image, you should add the extension of TinEye. It allows you to find the exact matches of the images instead of similar images.
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LastPass is an extension that takes cares of the logins of the accounts that you connect to it. It will create complex passwords that the plugin will remember for the user. So the users just need to remember one password for all the accounts.
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This extension is related to the color schemes for your project or any theme. The plugin gives users the exact values of the colors. It allows one to save different tones and then use it for other apps or make any alterations in it.
Read also: 5 best plugins to speed up your WordPress website
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Copy PlainText
If you need to copy some text from the internet without its formatting this extension will allow you to do it.
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