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Transfer Money Via Skype Now

In order to stay alive in this competitive world, social media channels keep coming up with new exciting updates and features for the users. Skype now offers users to send money to anybody anywhere by just a single tap. Skype has collaborated with Paypal to launch this feature on its App.

Through this features users would find video calling, chatting and sending money features all in one place. Users can chat with their colleagues and simultaneously just swipe right and send money to the required person.

To be able to access this features you first need to update your Skype App whether on Apple or Android. The person who is on the receiving doesn’t need to update his version, but for the receiver it is essential.

When you transfer money for the very first time, the system would confirm your location. If you or the receiver don’t have a PayPal account you would be directed to a link where you would be asked to make the Paypal account.

On the query related to currency, the Skype team wrote

 “Currency exchange is no problem,”  “If you’re sending funds from the US, for example, to someone in Europe, you will have the option to send money in Euros.”

There are 22 countries where this feature is available now that include US, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, and Canada etc. In Asia, it is not available and the company has not confirmed when it would be. In Pakistan even Paypal services are unavailable but the government is working on it and might soon launch Paypal in Pakistan.

Read more: Pakistan government making an effort to bring Paypal in Pakistan

Paypal has partnered before with other technology tycoons like Apple, Slack, and Microsoft to provide features to the users and ensure an easy transfer of money.