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Twitter Threatens Facebook With Lawsuit Over Threads

Threads app

Threads started yesterday and the Twitter competitor of Meta and Instagram has also attracted crowds. So it’s no wonder people get nervous on Twitter. And Elon Musk is already threatening to sue. The accusation: Meta is said to have used company secrets.

Last fall, Elon Musk took over the short message service Twitter and a little later fired about half of all employees. They were looking for new jobs and given the fact that most meta-services are also social networks, it is not surprising that some of them found new work in Mark Zuckerberg’s company.

Elon Musk Threatens Zuckerberg

But that is exactly what Elon Musk and his personal lawyer Alex Spiro use indirectly as ammunition for threatening lawsuits. According to the report from The Verge, the Twitter boss believes that Meta deliberately recruited employees from Twitter to create Twitter “plagiarism”.

Spiro writes in a letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg that his company “systematically, intentionally and unlawfully uses trade secrets and other intellectual property of Twitter”. Twitter will “strictly enforce its rights”: Meta is asked to take immediate action to prevent the use of trade secrets or strictly confidential information.

The attorney continued, “Twitter reserves all rights, including without limitation the right to seek civil remedies and injunctive relief, without further notice, to prevent any further retention, disclosure or use of its intellectual property by Meta. “

Facebook denies allegations

Meta spokesman denied the allegations and said they were completely unfounded: “Nobody on the Threads development team is a former Twitter employee – that just doesn’t exist.” The Facebook mother is probably not quite as concerned, since Twitter repeatedly threatens lawsuits and does not follow through. Most recently, this was the case against Microsoft, and Twitter accused Microsoft of abusing the service’s API – but so far there have been no consequences.