
UK is striving for more transparency from AI companies

During the initial phase of the AI explosion, which started with ChatGPT, AI businesses have, for the most part, been given carte blanche to do anything they like. As this trend approaches its one-year mark, governments from several countries are putting great pressure on firms to regulate their technologies. The UK is currently fighting to gain access to AI companies’ technology.

After several months, the government is now intervening to help keep AI under control. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that generative AI has the potential to significantly alter several sectors. The major AI issues are now readily apparent, and everyone is hopeful that government regulation would help keep things under control.

UK has asked AI businesses to grant access to their technologies

Various governmental entities have tried to prevent the advancement of AI technology. The UK’s turn is now. The Financial Times reports that Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic have been invited to the UK’s upcoming first-ever meeting on AI safety. The UK hopes to win over these businesses during the conference so they will grant them extensive access to the technology that drives their LLMs.

At the time, neither business had divulged extensive details about its technology to any organization. This makes sense given that we’re discussing extremely sensitive business information that any organization would keep close to its chest. However, the UK thinks that having access to the AI developed by these corporations will help it understand the technology better and be able to spot any hazards.

While the exact date of the summit is currently unknown, we do know that it will take place in Bletchley Park and that it will occur somewhere in November. Anthropic consented to share information with the UK, although it’s unclear how much. To be certain, we must wait for the summit to take place. What is certain is that disseminating this knowledge might affect the direction AI takes us in the future.