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US Antitrust Probe Cites Google, Facebook, Apple And Amazon’s Monopolist Power

Google Facebook Apple Amazon

The report was drafted or recently tabled by the House Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives for the previously reported Antitrust Probe, and it contains a lot of explosives. Because of the 449-page paper (PDF) criticizes all four companies for abuse of power. Practices such as buying up competitors, preferring their own services, and the quasi-compulsion to force or force smaller companies to use the respective platforms are in the pillory.

“Our investigation uncovered an alarming pattern of business practices that worsen competition and stifle innovation,” said Democratic politician Val Demings. “The competition must reward the best idea, not the largest company account. We will take all necessary steps to hold rule violations accountable.”

Recommendations, no laws (yet)

The report has no real legislative impact for the time being, as the committee can only make recommendations. However, this is also being used and numerous measures are being proposed to curb this market power.

These are extensive, they can roughly be summed up in that Congress should define new standards for competition violations. These should not only protect customers, but also workers, investors, and competitors. Excessive dominance of certain platforms should be prohibited, as well as the preference for own services and products. Acquisitions and mergers are to be examined more closely and more closely.

Whether it will be implemented is a different question: As the New York Times reports, the actual report was already dominated by small political wars between Democrats and Republicans, the latter complaining that the alleged disadvantage of conservatives is not being investigated further.