Water ATMs to be installed by Information Technology University

Soon you would be seeing water ATMs in Pakistan. This unique idea is a mutual cooperation of Information Technology University (ITU) and University of Colorado Boulder (UCB).
The idea rolled out under the Pakistan-United States Science & Technology Cooperation Program. Under this great idea, water ATMs’ will be installed across the country, focusing the water scarce regions.
The idea of water ATMs is basically the joint venture of Dr. Tauseef Tauqeer of ITU and Mustafa Naseem of UCB. National Academy of Sciences (USA) and Higher Education Commission (Pakistan) awarded the two geniuses and is funding their idea a $374,599.
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These water ATMs, are not just any vending machine. But they will be providing filtered water to the citizens of Pakistan. The Government of Punjab aims to provide the best quality water for free.
The so-called filtration plants are unlikely to maintain their quality and provide water up to the mark to the citizens. And in water-scare countries like Pakistan, these water ATMs are not less than a need for the hours.
A report also has shown deadly results of using unhygienic water by Pakistanis. Around 41,000 children die every year due to the use of unsafe and unfiltered water.
These water ATMS will measure pH levels of water, turbidity, residual chlorine, and total dissolved solids (TDS). These e-water stations will be operational throughout the day monitoring every bit of the water.
This small project under the supervision of the Government of Punjab is going to change many lives and help the poor with the use of filtered water for their families.
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