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What is Web App Security and Why Invest in It?

Since websites and web apps are currently one of the most appealing targets for hackers, web app security, also known as web AppSec, should be implemented to make sure that both websites and web-based applications function properly, have security defense in place and can identify threats before they become attacks that cost millions.

However, not everyone knows what web app security means and how to protect the software effectively. We created this article to help you dive deep into web application security while also showing steps to keep in mind when testing web applications in 2023.

What is Web App Security?

Thanks to digitalisation, web apps have quickly become an easy and appealing target for cyberhackers. That is also because they can be easily executed by identifying loopholes found in an application’s code. As a result, hackers believe that they can then easily reach the company’s sensitive data, which often leads to a ransomware attack or other types of attacks that can cost millions in case of success. In fact, all types of attacks that happen to web apps can be done using automation and reach several targets within a short period. 

A report provided by Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigation says that 43% of all cyber attacks were targeted toward web application breaches in 2019, which is twice more than in 2018. Even though the number is lower now, thanks to new cybersecurity practices and security awareness, it doesn’t mean that you will be lucky and avoid a threat on your web app.

How to Secure a Web App?

Step 1: Identify What You Should Test

The goal of the first stage is to prioritise all components that need to be tested. In some cases, you will need only some elements of your web apps, while other cases require a comprehensive testing process. You can perform penetration testing to find vulnerabilities that present the biggest risk to your business.

Step 2: Hire Cyberspecilists 

Once penetration testing is done, you can hire cybersecurity specialists who will be responsible for the main process. Even if you test your web app by yourself, make sure that you have a security team in place. Some companies can perform tests every month, while others, like open-appsec, allow you to automate web app and API security, making the process easier and faster.

Step 3: Make Cybersecurity a Culture

Knowing what types of attacks can reach your website and what vulnerabilities you have is one of the key ways to boost web app security. Nowadays, 95% of cybersecurity threats are caused by human error. Since your users may not know about ways they can accidentally grant access to your sensitive data, this may lead to millions spent on saving your company. Grow cybersecurity awareness among your employees and users.

Step 4: Scan Vulnerabilities

If you want to boost the security of our web app, make sure that you scan vulnerabilities regularly. Whether you have an in-house cybersecurity team or hire specialists, they can leverage a combination of passive and active testing methods while also using automated scanning tools for a complete and real-time picture.