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WhatsApp verified account for businesses like Facebook and Twitter

WhatsApp has now introduced verified accounts for businesses to make it equally easier for consumers to directly communicate with businesses and vice versa.

WhatsApp business accounts will get green verified badge with a white tick to make the account stand out from the crowd. The regular accounts would not have the badge like business accounts, the similar way you get to see accounts on Twitter and Facebook.

Wabetainfo has spotted the new feature in WhatsApp beta version, there is a yellow chat bubble which tells users that the account belongs to a business account.

If the badge is missing the messages will confirm that the account used to be a business account which no longer belongs to the business and re-registered as an individual account.

According to WhatsApp if you have already saved a business name and contact number in your contacts you will see the business name on WhatsApp that you have saved. If you haven’t saved the business name, WhatsApp will show you the name business has selected for them.