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Why Should You Use Paid Subscription For VPN?

Do you value your privacy on the Internet? Then, you should make use of the services of a reliable VPN provider. But is it a good idea to rely on a free Virtual Private Network company? Let’s sort out why it is recommended to pay for a VPN.

What is a Virtual Private Network?

Do you know that every single time you connect to the Internet, you put yourself in danger to become a victim of cybercriminals? These hackers intend to steal either your personal information or web browsing history. Moreover, your payment details are at the greatest risk.
This is where VPN apps will be useful. With them, you can be protected online. However, is it really reliable and do these Virtual Private Network providers can protect your privacy in the long run?

What Things are Hidden by Virtual Private Network?

As soon as the user connects to an internet service provider, a cybercriminal is able to log in and browse everything this user does online. Even if the user’s internet service provider seems reliable, it can still share the user’s browsing history with the government, hackers, advertisers, and third parties. Moreover, your internet service provider is likewise exposed to cyberattacks. This means that in all cases your personal information can be compromised if it gets hacked. But VPN can prevent this.

Being one of the best representatives in the Virtual Private Network industry, VeePN is selected by many users for a reason. If you look for a VPN for Chrome, you should consider this candidate. First, in order to VPN download Chrome, require several clicks only. VeePN will hide your Internet Protocol address by redirecting it through a configured remote server controlled by a Virtual Private Network host.

When you browse the internet through the best-paid VPN, the server of a Virtual Private Network becomes your data source. This means that your internet service provider and or any other third party will lose the possibility to see what sites are visited and what data is entered by you.  If you find this expensive, browse the best VPN deals online and get great discounts for this service.

Simply speaking, VPN apps operate like a filter. They make all the data users send and get completely incomprehensible. Even if these data appear in the wrong hands, it would be useless for hackers to sort out what these data mean.

Free Virtual Private Network Providers are not a Good Idea

As a rule, some of the paid Virtual Private Network providers can keep detailed logs of user databases. At the same time, all free-of-charge Virtual Private Network providers will do this. Usually, we can split these logs into two categories such as connection and activity logs. There is a need to mention that these logs can put your online security under threat.

These logs store important and valuable information and data of users such as internet activity, shopping habits, users’ Internet Protocol addresses, and more. Although many popular Virtual Private Network companies affirm they have a “no-log” policy, it is not easy to prove.

Absence of Protection from the Majority Cyber Threats

No matter what privacy VPN can offer, there is a need to mention that Virtual Private Networks do not operate the same way as complete antivirus software. It is true that your Internet Protocol address can be masked and your internet history can be encrypted. However, that’s all Virtual Private Network can do.

They can not guarantee you complete protection in case you visit phishing websites or download compromised files. When utilizing a Virtual Private Network, there is still a risk of viruses, Trojans, malware, bots, spyware, etc.

If some of these elements appear in your system, they can harm your device especially if you make use of a free Virtual Private Network. The reason is that encryptions of free providers are not reliable and strong enough. That’s why the best way to be entirely protected on the internet is to pay for a VPN in combination with complete antivirus software. This is a guarantee of ensuring maximum security.

Free Providers Track Your Internet Activity

Users may utilize Virtual Private Networks for several reasons. One of them is to secure their privacy when browsing the Internet. This may sound ironic but 72% of free Virtual Private Networks possess built-in third-party monitoring software. As a rule, these trackers are often utilized to gather information about user’s online activity to depict personalized advertisements. This means when a privacy VPN is offered, the provider does just the opposite. Free Virtual Private Networks do not provide users with confidentiality. Instead, they gather users’ information and sell it to the highest bidder.

The majority of malware is connected with advertising. This makes sense taking into consideration that free Virtual Private Networks do not possess the apparent revenue source in comparison with paid Virtual Private Networks. Keep in mind that if a product is available for free, your information becomes a product.


Nowadays, there is a large number of both free and paid Virtual Private Networks available for users. If you want to ensure your privacy will be kept under any circumstances, it is recommended to rely on the best paid VPN.

In case you can not afford a paid subscription, you should familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of the free Virtual Private Network. This will assist you to find out where its logs and data fall. Also, you will know that browsing the internet, you will not have entire privacy.