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Wikipedia now lets you preview the page before clicking on the link

Wikipedia after a long time has introduced a useful feature to their website today, the feature will help users to stay on the page and do not get hot on heels and disappear visiting referral websites.

Now if you hover your mouse’s cursor on the link provided in the article, it will show you a full preview of that page, showing you what contains on the page behind that link. The new update will essentially prevent millions of users from clicking the links back and forth between the pages.

Wikipedia’s parent company Wikimedia Foundation calls this update “One of the largest changes to desktop Wikipedia made in recent years,” According to a blog post.

It can be called as one of the biggest changes in recent years on Wikipedia; the change will also increase the popularity of the website by retaining visitors on the site for a longer time.

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You can review this change by simply visiting an article on the site, when you will hover the cursor over the link it will take few seconds to display the page preview, in the preview you can get the idea what the page is all about and if you wish to read more then, obviously you can click the link and visit that page for more information.

The feature is in A/B testing at the moment, you may experience few glitches as well, like some of the hyperlinks do not show any preview of the page but some do. This is not the first time Wikipedia is testing this feature, the feature itself appeared back in 2015. It was made available for all the languages on Wikipedia except English and German. German got this update last week and now it is rolling out for the most popular language English too.