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Windows 10 Will Support Linux File Systems Inside File Explorer

Microsoft announced its plans earlier this year to incorporate a complete Linux kernel in Windows 10 — now it’s integrating Linux file access into the File Explorer. Since Windows 1903, users have been able to access Linux files, but the latest feature installed in 19603 means you’ll be able to get them easier. Open File Explorer and you can see Tux, the penguin mascot for Linux, in the navigation pane on the left. This icon will give you a view of all your distros and you’ll be put in the Linux root file system for that distro by selecting those.

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There are user clean-up tips in storage settings elsewhere in the latest build — which is accessible to Windows Insiders in the Fast Ring — making it easier to free up disk space by finding and removing unused files, and adding Microsoft News Bar. This new customizable news app sits conveniently on the side of the screen and updates during the day (and if it becomes too distracting it can be disabled with one click).

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Already on the agenda — but not officially revealed by Microsoft — is a new “what’s new” configuration page that will highlight new functionality in the operating system. Windows 10 hacker Albacore exposed this feature, while Microsoft’s Brandon LeBlanc subsequently tweeted it’s concealed in code because it’s not yet available or ready to use for Insiders. Undoubtedly when it is formally rolled out we’ll learn more about that.