
Xbox and Epic Games donate all Fortnite proceeds to Ukraine

Over the next 14 days, Epic Games will donate all proceeds from the popular video game Fortnite to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine. Microsoft has also agreed to participate in this initiative. Epic Games and Microsoft are donating not only the profits from the sale of Fortnite, but all proceeds from the game. The Ukraine fundraiser runs from March 20 to April 3 and includes V-Bucks purchases (with real money or store credit, not in-game V-Bucks), new and revamped Fortnite Crew subscriptions, and purchase of the new Chapter 3 Season 2 Battle Pass starting today. It also takes into account the value of codes obtained elsewhere and redeemed in Fortnite before April 3.

Epic positions itself again

According to the announcement, UNICEF, Direct Relief, the UN World Food Program, and TUNHCR are currently listed as the first organizations to receive funding. Other organizations could be added, Epic said. “All Fortnite earnings from Epic generated in the window will be used to support humanitarian relief efforts,” the announcement reads. “If you want to prevent Epic from taking money from your purchase, you should not buy Fortnite with real money until April 4, 2022, or later.”

Microsoft supports donation

In addition to the aforementioned initiative to support Ukraine, Epic Games has also recently stopped sales in Russia, but without completely stopping its services. This means that Fortnite players in Russia who are against acts of war cannot support Ukraine either. Microsoft has committed to donating all Fortnite revenue generated on Xbox consoles.
