YouTube is set to receive some new AI features

Do you have a million+ subscribers and find it difficult to go through the comment section of your YouTube channel? The comment section underneath a YouTube video might be flooded with scams and irrelevant comments, besides a few meaningful ones. Well, just don’t worry since the company is testing a new feature that will use AI powers to help users with the comment section.
YouTube will organize the comments section with the help of AI
The new feature is being tested by the company under the premium subscriber program. This program enables users to try the new and experimental features before they make their way to the stable version of the app. Just make sure that you are a premium member of the platform and check out the different experiments on
Currently, the feature is restricted to a few videos in English. The MrBeast video “7 Days Stranded at Sea” is one that you may test this function on. Under this video, all the comments are organized into categories based on their content. Overall, this is quite a nice addition to the comment section. This function is great because YouTube won’t display every comment. Reviewed comments, unpublished comments, and comments containing flagged words will not be included in this functionality.
One more AI tool is on its way
Another AI technology that YouTube is testing may be able to help you understand the main points of the video you’re watching. You can ask questions about a video in the text window that appears when you’re watching it. The tool will respond to your query by utilizing generative AI. The AI’s LLM will be trained on the video’s content. In this way, it will be able to answer nearly all of the user’s questions. In simple words, it can help users with summarizing lengthy videos. At the moment, both new tools are restricted to a few selected videos. The second tool is limited to a few users. It is expected to be available to more users in the coming weeks.
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