YouTube Tries a New Comment Layout

YouTube is testing on a new comment layout.
YouTube has been experimenting with its comment section for some time. The latest experiment has relocated the comment section right beside the video description and is showing only the top 3 comments.
For viewing the entire comment section, users would have to click on it. Besides this, the comment box would be visible while the video is being watched. Therefore, users would be able to drop the comments in between watching the video as well. In the earlier design, users would have to scroll down to the bottom of the page for seeing the comments.
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As the feature launched, the video creator would be able to pin a comment so that it appears with the top three comments under the description of the video. Other than this, comments with a link and more than 140 characters would not show up in the top 3 comments.
As per Google’s recent blog post, they want to make it easier for people watching videos to search comments in the application of YouTube without the need of scrolling via the “up next” videos as they are testing the new comment section that shows up directly underneath the video.
The post further read that the new section would show up to three comments, with an option to view all the comments while one is watching the video.
Earlier, this development Google tested with hiding the comments section completely. One could only see the comments by scrolling down and pressing the button to open up the comment section. This idea was a flop as users take comments as an integral part of the viewing experience and were not happy with the change.
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