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Air University is Promoting VIP Culture – Abdullah Qureshi

My position and status give me priority over you? Stay behind because hey your superior is here? Or wait in line and watch me go past all of you because I have an upper hand here. Well, well no matter how hard we deny we do live in a VIP society, where your name and designation gives you power over the other.

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A similar incident happened with the popular singer Abdullah Qureshi where he witnessed VIP culture being promoted in Air University, Islamabad.

Abdullah Qureshi said,

“I’ve been wanting to share something that I experienced at my concert in Air University Islamabad last Saturday. The moment we got on stage I noticed that the crowd was quite far from the stage because there was a large space left for VIP sofas where the staff members of the university sat. I called the audience closer to the stage after the first song, everyone loved it as they weren’t enjoying the concert from far behind. We played the second song, the crowd went crazy, me and my band got all pumped ofcourse. Towards the end of the song, one of the senior staff members walked up to me on stage, pulled my shoulder, yes he held my shoulder and pulled me back towards him (without exaggeration) and told me (in not a very nice way) to send the students back behind the “VIP area”. I felt embarrassed, but obviously, the crowd understood the situation, boo-ed the staff member because they didn’t want to go back but I made an announcement that I respect the rules and regulations of the premises and they should all go back, which they did (having no other choice). I could have walked out from stage right after what he did with me as they owed us some money too but I didn’t want to disappoint any fans. You don’t call an artist to your premises and embarrass them on stage, you sir, can do that in class or in your office, the stage is ours once we get up there. I request the university authorities to stop holding events if you don’t want the students to enjoy because after all, they are the ones who work so hard and organize events so that they can get some time off from their usual hectic days. I also request the event management companies to make sure that there are no VIP areas right in front of the stage at concerts, the audience should be standing up and close to the stage so we can look into their eyes while performing, that’s how the message of music is properly conveyed, that’s what live music is all about, it’s about exchanging energies.
It’s a rock concert, not a ghazal night. You can put your VIP sofas in your drawing room and take a nap if you’re too old for a concert.”


This is what Abdullah Qureshi posted on his Facebook page. What do you think guys about the VIP culture in Pakistan?