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Amazon Prime Day Success: 100,000 Products Sold Per Minute

This year’s Prime Day looks set to be another huge success for Amazon. According to its own statements, the online retailer was able to sell more than 300 million products worldwide during the two shopping days, significantly more than in the previous year. At least 104,000 products passed the retailer’s virtual counter during Prime Day 2022 from July 12-13 – per minute.

A new record according to Amazon. Globally, the savings of all Prime members during this period would have been $1.7 billion. Small and medium-sized businesses in particular are likely to have benefited from the discount promotion. Amazon states that they have even surpassed their own retail business in terms of sales growth. However, detailed figures were not given.

Bargain boom: Due to inflation?

Amazon’s Prime Day revenue was estimated at $11.2 billion last year (see chart). About 250 million products are said to have been sold. If the average commodity value of around $45 has not changed significantly, the bottom line could be more than $13.4 billion this year. A confirmation from Amazon is not expected in this regard, however, as the group has always kept a close eye on Prime Day sales.

Instead, the company comments on this year’s shopping trends for its Prime members. Globally, the focus was mainly on their own Echo and Fire TV sets, in addition to consumer electronics and household items. It is said that purchases this year have ranged from the Apple Watch to Pampers diapers and Levi’s jeans. As CNBC reports that in addition to electronics, Frito-Lay chip packaging will also have been very popular in the United States. Amazon reports a trend toward teeth whiteners and electronic toothbrushes.

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