Android Messages App Now Automatically Deletes SMS From Your Phone

Most of the SMS that is sent over the cellular networks are just like one-time passwords. So that the messages don’t stay on the phone usually, users also like to delete the SMS storage and do not keep those messages for long, here comes Google with a positive solution so users do not have to worry about cleaning the inbox from time to time. Google has redesigned the Messages app. Initially, however, the update will only be offered in one country.
An entry in the Google blog shows that the Messages app for Android can now automatically classify incoming SMS. The messages are categorized as “Personal”, “Transactions”, “OTPs” and “Offers”. While personal SMS comes from stored contacts, messages about transactions and one-time passwords are sent by banks. The classification takes place on the smartphone itself so that the messages do not have to be forwarded to Google servers.

This means that the messages are correctly classified even when there is currently no connection to the Internet. One-time passwords (OTPs) can be automatically deleted at the request of the user. The SMS will then be removed from the smartphone after 24 hours. OTPs are only used to register with a service once so that the messages are no longer needed afterward.

Feature limited to India At the moment
The classification function currently only filters messages that have been sent to users in India. In addition, only SMS that have been written in English are recognized. To receive the update, at least Android 8 must be installed on the user’s device. It is also expected that later this year, the feature should then be expanded and also be available to the rest of the world, however, it is still unclear when this will happen.
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