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Apple Withdraws Update For HomeKit Architecture After Problems

Apple iOS

After several reports of problems with the new HomeKit update, Apple currently appears to have stopped the option to upgrade to the new architecture. However, there are still no official confirmations that the update has been withdrawn.

A few days ago we already reported about the problems that users had after updating their smart home setups when they installed iOS 16.2 and then subsequently updated the underlying architecture of HomeKit. It often happened that devices could no longer be addressed in the network.

The latest update to iOS 16.2 caused these issues for some HomeKit users. However, it is not yet known how widespread the error is. Apple hasn’t even confirmed the issue or addressed possible issues in the documentation. Now, without any such documentation or confirmation, Apple appears to have halted the update and removed the option from the Home app.

Deletes Notices

Since the launch of iOS 16.2, users had received a notification in the Home app that a Home upgrade was available for them. This update request noted that “Home now has a new underlying architecture that will improve the performance of your network”. If the update has not yet been carried out, the reference to the new architecture and the possible upgrade no longer appears.

Update not available anymore

A way to update the architecture like before is no longer available. Apple had released new information about the changes in the HomeKit support documentation just before this decision to stop the update. However, you don’t read anything about known errors there.