Home » Technology » Bluetooth Vulnerability Might Target iOS 11 Because You Cannot Turn It Off

Bluetooth Vulnerability Might Target iOS 11 Because You Cannot Turn It Off

We have talked about Bluetooth vulnerabilities earlier, hackers can attack your device secretly if your Bluetooth is turned on, it could be quite lethal, therefore, keeping Bluetooth off most of the time is the security measure that you must ensure to keep your device safe.

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But Apple new iOS 11 Control Center has the serious vulnerability, according to Verge, in iOS 11 Apple would allow you to connect or disconnect devices from the networks by turning on/off Bluetooth and WiFi buttons within the Control Center, but those buttons, however, do not turn-off or deactivate the radios in the device—reported by Motherboard.

Both features would be running in the background to keep certain features running such as file-transfer, Handoff, geolocation, AirDrop and communication with paired Apple watch. In the past these buttons were off if you kept them off, Apple has this new change in the behavior of buttons with iOS 11.

It might be really handy for user experience from Apple’s point of view, Apple might have considered it making difficult to accidentally disconnect features and services by turning off the buttons, but it jeopardizes users security in fact.

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Security researcher Andrea Barsani has tweeted about the change in iOS 11 and told Motherboard that there are many good reasons to turn WiFi and Bluetooth off when they are not in use and for the reason of improving the phone’s performance.

In order to keep your device safe and secure, you have to go directly to feature’s respective settings menu and turn it off manually. But Apple should have thought about most user’s inability to perceive the security risks and inability to remember and prioritize things that are important for their security. Features running in the background could leave them in deception while thinking the buttons are off.