Careem website glitch would let four on a single bike ride

Four youngsters can ride on a single bike along with rider will make a total of five, while Careem has recently launched its bike service it may be testing riders along with the feature itself, whether they can take four people on their ride or not.

If it goes well, people can save lot of money, imagine a bike ride of approximately 10 to 15kms would cost only Rs.80 to Rs.90 and when divided by four it could be equivalent to metro ticket, the real difference is; Metro takes you from stop to stop but Careem rider would take you from home to destination, no walk no waiting, thanks to Careem’s new developers cockup on their website.

Careem’s developers might have forgotten to change the allowed number of passengers on a single ride when it comes to the bike.

But you can take advantage of four people until the glitch is removed from the website, the bug is only displaying on Careem’s website and not on the mobile app.