Chrome Will Work Better With Windows 10 Antivirus Software
Third-party antivirus software can be an important part of protecting your PC, but it is also always a source of inconvenience. In the future, however, one of them should be omitted, namely when using Chrome.
Google Chrome is by far the most widely used browser in the world, which now also applies to the operating system, i.e. Windows 10 (although not quite as clearly). The combination of Chrome / Windows 10 is definitely a widespread one and there will soon be good news for all of its users.
Problems saving
As Windows Latest reports, Google writes in a Chromium commit that antivirus programs and other scanners on Windows 10 occasionally block new files. However, this can lead to relatively common problems when saving bookmarks and other files in Chrome that use the ImportantFileWriter.
The Chrome developers are now trying to address the problem by retrying the ReplaceFile step several times. Google: “This only happens on Windows because we hope that’s the only place this happens.“
Tab search and better omnibox
In addition, the Chrome makers are working on a new feature that should be particularly pleasing to those who have (too) many tabs open – an estimated 90 percent of all users. Because Google is currently developing a feature called Tab Search, which is already being distributed to the first users of Chrome 87: Here you get an additional search field in the browser window (top right) that enables you to search through the registration cards via a drop-down bar. This search field can also be reached using Ctrl + Shift + E.
The address bar should also be able to master new tricks in the future and the function planned for this sounds extremely practical: Because Google wants the Omnibox to master “executable” functions, so you can search for special settings by entering text in the address bar, such as “Edit passwords” and “Clear browser data”.
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