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ELearning Trends to Watch Out For in 2023


Elearning is the future of most education systems. In fact, it is one of the exercises that benefit from translation services. These services make it possible to import learning expertise via elearning, among other positive impacts that translation services bring to the education realm.

Given the ever-changing nature of elearning, Future Trans, a language service provider (LSP), that provides elearning localization services for decades explores some of the 2023 elearning trends to watch out for. Besides the adoption of translation services, the following are the trends we identified: 

Mobile Learning

Recent statistics show that over 4 billion people own smartphones in the world. This number is almost half of the entire global population. Given the several activities people do with their mobile phones, learning is certainly one of them. 

One of the advantages of using a mobile phone for learning is that a tutor can personalize the lessons. Such personalization is a fundamental aspect that results in academic improvement. For this reason, mobile learning has taken the world by storm this year, 2023. 

Nowadays, mobile phones can support several learning programs, including Learning Management Systems (LMSs). This is a sign that the education industry has started recognizing mobile phones as a tool that can promote education in several ways. 

Micro Learning

Elearning has promoted the application of microlearning significantly. It provides a platform where tutors can offer short-term lessons that accumulate to form the larger part of macro learning. 

Notably, microlearning is an effective way of tackling macro learning. For this reason, educators are turning to elearning as one way of incorporating microlearning within the education system.

Education experts assert that microlearning is more compassionate than macro learning. The short lessons are interesting to the learners, while the long-winding lessons the macro learning features.

If the priority of microlearning merges with the convenience of elearning, microlearning becomes an elearning trend to watch in 2023.

Video-Based Learning

According to a recent forecast, 3 trillion minutes of global video streaming and downloading will occur monthly in 2023. These statistics depict the demand for videos in the daily lives of the global population.

With the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to maintain hygiene and distance, video learning is a trend to watch in 2023. Educators have realized the high demand and preference for videos, and they are making progressive steps towards expanding the application of video, especially short videos, in the learning industry.

There is also evidence that learning institutions are gradually embracing video-based learning after the eruption of the pandemic. Given the several positive impacts of video learning on the learning industry, the use of this learning approach will continue to get better in the future.


Elearning has come to replace the long and boring lessons of traditional classroom learning. In fact, e-learning has brought more engaging learning approaches to the education industry.

Elearning gamification makes learners see education as a game that they must win. Who hates playing games? Not even the learners. The gamification of learning makes it more interesting and fun. In return, learners find it easy to remember what they learn. Also, learners get exposed to vast educational content about what they already know.

The gamification aspect of elearning has also brought in interesting, supportive networks. Learners engage each other across international boundaries. In return, elearning has created a global exchange program beyond the learning confines. This aspect is also promoting interpersonal skills, an important element of learning.

Given the social learning that comes with elearning, its gamification façade will continue getting better over time. So, watch this trend in 2023.

Learning Analytics

The gamification nature of elearning has given rise to learning analytics. Learners can review their performance periodically and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Afterward, they can employ viable strategies that leverage their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

With elearning, learners can access test scores, feedback, and makeshift reports that show their academic performance. Not only do these analytics benefit the learners but also the educators. Tutors can review the analytics and develop a learning schedule that matches the highs and lows of the elearning analytics.

The analytics aspect of elearning is gradually gaining momentum among learning institutions. So, it is a trend you should watch out for in 2023.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

The application of AI in elearning is also a trend to watch out for in 2023. The force behind this trend is the need to study elearning analytics. For this reason, educators can know the favorite quizzes, tests, and assignments their learners take. In return, the educators can prioritize their learner’s preferences rather than offering learning materials that their learners dislike.

The use of AI in elearning makes this exercise more fun. It also helps develop learning materials that incorporate complex topics in the elearning path to make the topics appear simple. This strategy can equate with the gamification of complex topics.

In return, learners can support each other, find complex topics simple, and get the necessary support from their tutor in a flexible way.

Making Learning and Development a Need Rather Than a Want

Before the significant appreciation of remote working, employees deemed the skills they got from training as good-to-have skills. However, remote working has necessitated the skills because the arrangement calls for a do-it-yourself working approach. For this reason, employees that work remotely do not have any alternative to acquiring the skills through elearning.

As a result of the mandatory need for skills, elearning has changed the role of learning and development, especially in the corporate arena. In return, remote workers are taking elearning seriously, a trend that will persist in 2023 and beyond.

A Shift From Physical to Virtual

During the lockdowns that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have realized the power of remote working. Conventionally, most employers thought that the physical presence of employees was all they needed to run their operations. However, the lockdowns brought about the essence of remote working.

How did the employees manage to embrace remote working? It is through elearning. The training sessions that required the physical presence of the employees turned into virtual sessions that employees took from home.

From this scenario, one can pick two transformations: virtual training grounds and training spaces. In other words, elearning made the need for physical presence obsolete. Instead, it replaced physical presence with a virtual presence.

Human-Centered Learning

For a very long time, training has featured one-dimension transactions. Corporates and organizations have routinely created training schedules and sessions without considering the needs of their learners. It seems that the business needs acted as a basis for assessing the training needs of the employers.

However, the advent of elearning has brought a transformation that will replace the single-dimension identification of training needs. Given that the platform has created a direct link between employers and individual employees, it is inevitable for the corporates and business entities to avoid feedback from the employees.

Also, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the need for corporations to consider the emotions and feelings of their employees. The management team of these corporations always sought to identify whether an employee was in a position to work before assigning any project.

In return, an empathetic space developed out of the need to identify the working potential of the employees during the pandemic.

All these considerations that business entities and corporates made during the pandemic became embedded in the corporate culture of most institutions. For this reason, human-centered elearning will prevail in 2023 and beyond, especially concerning remote workers.

Use of Learning-Experience Platforms

The trend of using learning-experience platforms results from the need for human-centered learning. Corporations are increasingly seeking ways to make elearning better and more fun. In return, they are personalizing the elearning platforms and also adopting just-in-time learning.

During the pandemic, the corporates assigned work to the employees in an emotional and physical position to work. Such an arrangement depicts the application of just-in-time project allocation. This mode of operation prompted the need for training only those who were available for work.

Now, organizations are using learning-experience platforms to identify employees’ behaviors, needs, and preferences. In return, the organizations recognize the need for training and interaction referrals. Regarding the referrals, organization scans now identify high flyers and appoint them as mentors to struggling employees.

It seems that the elearning experience platform usage continues to evolve. For this reason, it is a trend that you must watch in 2023 and beyond.

Catalog Courses

With elearning comes the need for catalog courses. Learners are increasingly demanding off-shelf courses that will improve their skills. Corporates and other organizations are also increasingly using catalog courses to improve the skills of their employees. 

Given their ease of access, flexibility, and credibility, catalog courses are a trend we cannot ignore in 2023 and beyond.

The Bottom Line

We cannot list all elearning trends to watch out for in 2023. Nevertheless, elearning will continue unleashing new development as time goes by. So always be on the lookout.