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Facebook is working on finding out if you are rich or poor

Facebook Inc. has filed a patent application which contains that the company wants to automatically detect the users’ socio-economic status and separate them into three classes – working class, middle class, or upper class.

According to the report by Dailymail, Facebook wants to build a system which collects the personal information of the users which including education, homeownership, and internet usage, in order to predict the socio-economic status of the specific user.

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The patent was made public on Friday which suggested an algorithm that might enhance the targeting capability of Facebook and helping the company to serve up more relevant advertisements to its users.

“By estimating the socio-economic status of the users, Facebook is able to help the third party present sponsored content to the audience they want to target,” the patent read.

“Third parties are able to effectively promote their services and products, and the online system developed by Facebook can provide a more engaging user experience to users,” patent added.

However, it is still not clear if the patent offered by Facebook will ever actually be used for user targeting.