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Facebook Removed Blasphemous Content: 85% Of The Content Is Curbed On Request-IHC Claims

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According to the news sources Express News, Interior ministry has informed Islamabad High Court (IHC) that on their request Facebook has removed 85% of the content related to blasphemy in Pakistan.

During the hearing in the court, Interior secretary Arif Khan has told IHC that Facebook has taken their requests positively and removed almost 85% of the content from the social networking site. He further added, now there is only 15% of the content remaining. He also said that banning Facebook is not the solution to tackle these kinds of issues.

He also confirmed the previous news in which it was confirmed that FIA has detained 3 suspects who were responsible for publishing and sharing content on social media.

Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui gave remarks in the last week’s hearing that it will be decided next week whether the Facebook should be banned in Pakistan or not.

IHC also asked PTA to submit their findings related to blasphemous content and submit it on Monday 27th March. Now the court has been adjourned till next hearing on March 31.



4 thoughts on “Facebook Removed Blasphemous Content: 85% Of The Content Is Curbed On Request-IHC Claims

    1. PTA cannot remove from Facebook, they can block Facebook entirely but they are not able to remove the content physically as it requires access to database.

      1. You know I read a news story where Interior Minister was threatening to block Facebook if the blasphemous content is not removed. And in the same news, a spokesperson from PTA highlighted that they (PTA) have removed some percent of the content.

        Now either those newspapers don’t have solid grounds to share their stories or … 😉

        1. As I said earlier PTA cannot access Facebook to remove data, they are not authorized to do so. Now you can decide which is the right statement

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