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FBI is Now Involved in GTA 6 Leak

At the weekend there was a gigantic leak of GTA 6 that will probably go down in history as one of the biggest data leaks in the gaming industry. A few days later, the thriller about hackers, the FBI, and many other technology companies continue to escalate.

GTA 6 leak Leading To Arrest Hackers

Brief summary: On Sunday, more than an hour of video material from the still top secret GTA 6 development became public – the authenticity has now been confirmed. An anonymous user had published the content in the GTA Forum. His attack path according to his own description: He had gained access to an internal Slack channel. He also used this method in the recent Uber leak. GTA 6 Leak: Video Fast Food Restaurant.

Of course, these claims were initially difficult to verify, but now Uber itself links the two events in an official statement – and provides more background on the potential people behind the attack. In the case of Uber, for example, the attackers gained access to the internal systems via the compromised account of an external service provider. After that, more accounts were taken over, ultimately giving access to tools like G-Suite and Slack. GTA 6 Leak: Video Nightclub

The people behind

During its investigation, Uber claims to have found strong evidence that a hacker group called Lapsus$ was behind the attack. This was particularly active in the last year and had already successfully used similar attack techniques at companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, and Nvidia in 2022 alone.

This is followed by the connection to the GTA leak: “Over the weekend it was also reported that the same actor broke into the video game manufacturer Rockstar Games,” according to the company statements. “We are in close coordination with the FBI and the US Department of Justice on this matter and will continue to support their efforts.”