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New features in iOS 10 make iPhone even better

features in iOS 10

Apple has made many new developments in the products and operating systems for its devices. The latest one is iOS 10. There are many new features in iOS 10 and the best ones are not talked about in mainstream advertising. New features in iOS 10 are all what this update is all about.

iOS 10 comes with voicemail transcription. It means that the OS can transcribe the voicemail messages for users just like Google voice. The transcription is as accurate and is fast, which means it only takes a couple of minutes for the process.

Users can expand the voicemail and read the transcribed message.

Latest features in iOS 10 and hacks

The clutter of web browsers can be annoying. Apple OS 10 now lets you close every tab at once. Users need to tap and hold the Done button to close down all tabs. Lifehacker  reports that Siri can inform users when they are receiving a call. If users have headphones or Bluetooth on then Siri can announce caller name. User have to go to (under Settings > Phone > Announce Calls) to enable this option which makes Siri announce the caller name when users are busy to look at their phones.

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The new OS can make your iPhone turn into a magnifying glass. User need to go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Magnifier and set the toggle to On. This will enable the magnifying feature on the phone and all it takes is three taps to switch this on. Users who are using 6s can remove all notifications at once. A couple of taps of a hard-press on the icon “X” clears up the clutter of notifications. The Apple imessage is very popular and now users can send low quality images through the service. Low resolution images use less mobile bandwidth and consume less space on the phone.

Image via TheVerge