Google Assistant now uses your phone camera

Google Assistant is getting more brilliant. While the advanced aide has generally just utilized the receiver to hear, now it’ll likewise utilize the phone’s camera to see. That is on account of Google Lens, which, after some testing, is currently rolling off to all clients of Google Pixel phones.
The news was declared by Google through a blog entry, and keeping in mind, it is exciting. Google Lens guarantees to apply Google’s machine learning skill to what the phone can see through a camera. Lens was first reported at Google I/O in May.
“Looking at a landmark and not sure what it is? Interested in learning more about a movie as you stroll by the poster? With Google Lens and your Google Assistant, you now have a helpful sidekick to tell you more about what’s around you, right on your Pixel,” said Google in its blog entry.
The concerning bit is user privacy that Google Assistant can breach through camera
That will show in various distinctive ways. Already, Google Lens was accessible through Google Photos, yet it involved users taking a photograph, at that point switch applications and hit the Lens button. Lens on Google Assistant guarantees to be more instinctive, as well as more brilliant. As per Google, the element will enable users to do things like spare data from a photograph of a business card, follow connections, and recognize objects. You can likewise do things like point lens at a film poster for data about the motion picture, or at milestones like the Eiffel Tower to take in more about it and its history. To wrap things up, Assistant can look into items through bar tags.
Obviously, we’ll need to keep a watch out how everything functions once it’s rolled off, however the fortunate thing about Google Lens is that it doesn’t generally depend on an extraordinary camera — it’s more reliant on programming, so it can be updated and enhanced after some time.
Google Lens is right now rolling off to Pixel phones in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, India, and Singapore.
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Image via Assistant-Google
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