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Google Cloud Platform just launched a new region

Google Cloud platform

Google is quickly establishing itself as the lead company in cloud technology. Not like it didn’t already have the throne but with the announcement of the launch of Tokyo region things have taken up a quicker pace. The Google Cloud platform now has two regions (Tokyo and Taiwan) along with the total of six available zones in Asia.

The Google Cloud platform aims to expand in Mumbai, Singapore and Sydney over the span of next year. Moreover, the cloud platform wants to include new regions in the United States, Finland, Germany, U.K and Brazil. Google now offers the users to pick between six regions that offer the most with three availability zones spread out in U.S, Europe and Asia. When the new regions go online that is next year the Google Cloud platform will be present in 14 regions of the globe.

Google Cloud Platform tries to compete with Azure

This does not put Google in much competitive advantage. Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure have already vastly spread themselves. It lags in the number of data center locations but is trying to establish itself. This means that it took notice of its disadvantage position in the field.

It has to be noted that over the next few years, Google has invested massively in data backbone. The company put money on establishing networking backbone that will deliver data between Asia and the rest of the world. Having a local data center means latency for users in Japan for example. A 50 to 85 percent decrease in data is seen when the content is shared from the Taiwan region. Comparing it to the same serving from the far network regions.

Read about Microsoft’s Open compute project

The Tokyo region offers the most core cloud platform services like Compute engine, cloud storage as well as Google’s database and analytics services. The region massively uses Intel’s Broadwell processors.

Image via Google Blog