Google Introduces A New Feature To Find US Voting Locations

The U.S. Presidential election is just around the corner, the United States will choose its new president next month, and Google is helping the users with a new feature in this regard, Google is going to introduce new features aimed to help users find the nearest voting locations. The additions have been made to the firm’s voice assistant, Google Search, and Google Maps.
According to Google, during 2020, searches for the word “how to vote” in the U.S. have surged to an all-time high. Therefore, the search engine giant has now one step ahead, the company has launched election-specific features to provide users with relevant information from trusted organizations in Google Search.
When the users’ types in “early voting locations” or “ballot drop boxes near me,” Google Search will provide details regarding in-person voting or returning mail-in ballots. If users ask the Search engine where they will be able to vote “soon,” they will be provided relevant information on their Assistant-supported phone, smart speaker, or smart display, according to the blog post.
Upon finding a location, users can then use the firm’s Map service for directions to voting or ballot drop box locations, in addition to viewing voting hours. Google stated that the information has been taken from a joint project between state election officials and Democracy Works, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan civic organization. There are and would be some places where the voting locations are not available, for those places where voting locations are not yet available, Google search will return state and local election website to users. The company will continue to add more locations and information across Google Search, Assistant, and Maps until the elections take place, said Google.
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