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Google Maps Testing New Feature In Desktop Version

Google Maps

The use of the map platform Google Maps can differ depending on the device used and should look a little different for many between desktop and smartphone. Because the desktop version is more likely to be used for research, a new feature is now being tested to make it easier to deal with the locations called up: A kind of tab bar at the bottom of the map view.

Anyone who starts somewhat more extensive research with Google Maps will know the problem: Switching between the locations found is not really convenient and there is no such thing as a short memory. So you are constantly juggling between the “Search” and “Details” maps modes, the various favorites, and list functions are not very helpful, and even working with the browser tabs does not always work with Google Maps.

Now you bring a solution in the form of a row of buttons at the bottom, which can be used as temporary storage for found places. This is a test run that can look a little different for individual users and is also implemented differently. The main task is to store the places you find there and to be able to switch between them more quickly. You could call it the Google Maps internal tab bar.

The above screenshot shows the previous use of this position, namely to quickly switch between search results. The following animation shows how the new test run with the tab bar is implemented.

The implementation of the function is currently still different: With some, each location called is loaded directly into the bar and others must first press the “Dock to Bottom” button that is visible in the animation. I think that the button version is the better choice and ensures that only the places that are really needed are temporarily saved there. And of course, this bar is again an area that overlays the map view again and thus reduces it.

The test run is not yet being seen by all users, for example, I don’t have it, and should probably be adjusted until the possible final rollout. It gets exciting when this can be synchronized with other devices or a list can be created directly from this storage. I think that this new element – if it comes – will play an even bigger role in the future.

1 thought on “Google Maps Testing New Feature In Desktop Version

  1. Now you bring a solution in the form of a row of buttons at the bottom, which can be used as temporary storage for found places. This is a test run that can look a little different for individual users and is also implemented differently. The main task is to store the places you find there and to be able to switch between them more quickly. You could call it the Google Maps internal tab bar.

    The above screenshot shows the previous use of this position, namely to quickly switch between search results. The following animation shows how the new test run with the tab bar is implemented.

    The implementation of the function is currently still different: With some, each location called is loaded directly into the bar and others must first press the “Dock to Bottom” button that is visible in the animation. I think that the button version is the better choice and ensures that only the places that are really needed are temporarily saved there. And of course, this bar is again an area that overlays the map view again and thus reduces it.

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