Google Meet introduced its latest ‘portrait touch-up’ feature

You rolled out of bed at 1:50 despite having a business appointment over Google Meet at 2:00 and a bad cold. It goes without saying that you lack the time to groom yourself in advance of the meeting, but you still don’t want to show up looking disheveled. Google has got your back. Google Meet has launched a new portrait touch-up capability.
There are always those moments before a meeting when you don’t feel your best. Business meetings aren’t really beauty pageants, so you don’t necessarily have to look your best to interact with your coworkers. But individuals also utilize Meet for social gatherings and job interviews. This capability will be considerably more useful in these circumstances, where appearances are much more important.
Google meet reveals its latest touch-up feature
It often happens when people need to join meetings when they’re tired, sick, or jet-lagged. Although with the latest feature, Google is solving this issue for you. The latest feature, ‘portrait touch-up’, as the name suggests, enhances your portrait to make you look ready for a meeting.
However, for now, this feature is only available for mobile apps, and for the web version, it’s expected to come in by the end of this year. There are two modes in this feature; the first one is named subtle; it’ll adjust your face with slit changes to deal with any facial or complexion issue. This will smooth your face, lighten your dark circles, and slightly whiten your eyes. It also works for eye bags or red eyes in case you’re not feeling well.
The other mode is stronger than the first and comes in handy when you have gotten out of bed two minutes before a meeting. This mode is called smoothing. Though it performs the same task as the other one, it has some enhancements.
This feature is currently being rolled out, and it ought to be finished in the following 15 days. Users of Google One and Google Workspace Individual, as well as Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, and Enterprise Plus, will be able to use this service. This function won’t be accessible to users with personal accounts.
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