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Google to remove Location History to be deleted automatically

Your smartphone is an automated tracker of your location. Because of the dangers of third-party apps, it is crucial to keep track of your location data. Google is already protecting location tracking by turning it off by default. Along with that, there were several protections that were introduced by the platform last year. With the latest update, Google is planning to add some new insights into the system and how it’ll be operated.

Last year, during July, Google stated that it clears the location history of controversial or private places. It clarifies the necessary stored data automatically. A further explanation was given by the platform that it clears out location data like counselling centers, domestic violence shelters, abortion clinics, fertility centers, addiction treatment facilities, weight loss clinics, cosmetic surgery clinics, or any other place connected to the privacy of the user.

Although there were no new locations introduced to the defined list, it clarified the removal of history to be limited in medical terms. As for general medical locations like hospitals or GPs, it’ll keep the data.

Moreover, the platform is planning to add some more loopholes to prevent sensitive data from lagging into the app. It’ll clarify the data on an immediate basis. From these specified locations, users are unable to seek manual confirmation of the places visited. Although we don’t know when these amendments will be on the platform,

We still value these small gestures that show the company is taking privacy concerns seriously and attempting to strike a balance between functionality and harm reduction. Location history is a very private thing, and while none of this will likely do much to end the debate over just how much information Google should really know about you, we still appreciate these small gestures.