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Hackers threatening to Steal your Data and Report you to GDPR

One of the popular databases for modern apps used by many leading companies like Google, Facebook, Uber etc “MongoDB” is being threatened by a group of hackers. These hackers have threatened that they will report the owners to the GDPR if their demands are not considered.

An attack on MongoDB means that many big names would be put at risk. This ransomware wipes the data of the owner clean and then threatens that they will be reported to the GDPR for the data leakage.

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Ransom notes on 22,900 MongoDB databases have been uploaded by the hackers. They have been exposed online without any password. This means that 47% of the Mongo databases have been effected. An automated script is used by the hackers to scan reconfigured MongoDB databases and clear their data before demanding 0.015 bitcoin ransom from them.

Only two days have been given the victims to make the payments. If they are not able to do it, they are threatened they will be reported to the local General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement authority for a data leak.

According to the security researcher Victor Gevers these notes were first seen in April 2020, however the earlier attacks did not include data being wiped out. Gevers said that data wiping was noticed just a couple of days ago.